Social Prescribing for PCN’s

We are experts in providing Social Prescribing Link Workers, Children’s Health and Wellbeing Navigators, Community Navigators, Care Coordinators and Health Coaches to Primary Care Networks in Kent and Medway, offering a professional, high quality, impact measured, insured and managed solution exceeding NHS standards.

Opportunities to pilot Public Health Management approaches targeting cohorts
e.g. diabetes, COPD and Long Covid

Why choose to work with Involve?

  1. We are an IG compliant organisation, with HSCN / N3 line and VPN’s which we issue to all PCN staff, ensuring access to Emis, Vision and Vision 360.
  2. We have an outcome focused approach, using robust impact measurement and offering quarterly bespoke impact reports to each PCN.
  3. Link Workers are employed by Involve with all HR and associated liabilities managed.
  4. Dynamic recruitment campaigns, including targeted social media, rigorous selection processes and top quality screening.
  5. Induction and training including motivational interviewing and safeguarding.
  6. Clinical and peer support and supervision, and performance management ensuring full compliance with NHS competency framework.
  7. Systems, processes, policies and tools in place to ensure workers deliver an effective, patient centered and outcomes-based service to meet the needs of their PCN.
  8. Access to advice and support from Involve Information Officer providing access to over 1200 local groups and organisations to ‘prescribe’/ refer into.
  9. Utilising community venue and home working where space in practice is in high demand.
  10. Information governance, data systems and processes enabling reporting including impact on the person and the system eg reduced GP appointments.
  11. Appropriately insured and indemnified; liability sits with Involve.
  12. Risk management systems embedded including support for complex cases with multiagency involvement.

Involve can support your Primary Care Network to access the investment for a variety of additional roles and provide a fully managed, indemnified service compliant with NHS guidelines and within budget.

Involve Kent | Social Prescribing for PCN’s

Supporting PCN’s

We employ and manage over 50 staff for 19 different PCN’s across Kent and Medway.


PCN’s hold contracts with Involve


Reduction in GP Appointments


Reduction in A+E attendances


Average increase in Wellbeing (ONS Wellbeing Measure)


Average increase in patients feeling more able to deal with problems and issues


Reduction in loneliness

Should you wish to work with us, please get in contact with: