I was isolated – now I have purpose
04 Sep 2024
“I was struggling daily to come to terms with the loss of my husband, I had become very isolated. My family live quite some distance away so I could go weeks without seeing anyone. It was a dark time for me
My Support Worker (SW) listened to how I was feeling and how low I had become. At first, I was reluctant to consider attending any social groups. My SW was very patient with me, and I didn’t feel pressured. My SW called me regularly and over time gently persuaded me to come along to a group with her.
I attended a local Involve coffee morning with my SW and although I was very nervous and apprehensive, my SW reassured me and stayed with me at the group. The following week I went along independently and was warmly greeted by everyone there.
I have been attending for a year now and the impact the group has had on my mental health has been life changing for me. I have made so many friends there and we often meet up away from the group at each other’s homes.
Last year Involve started an additional group in my area at a venue I had suggested, and I have been attending that group since it started. I have now taken on the role of greeting newcomers and welcoming them to the group – as I remember how nervous I was in the beginning.
I have been on garden centre trips, trips to the coast, and had an amazing Christmas thanks to Involve and the party they arranged. I was dreading Christmas as it’s usually a very difficult time for me, but last year was the first time in many years that I enjoyed Christmas.
I still find it difficult to express the impact that the support from Involve has had on me.
Now I feel like I have purpose. I have friends I can call if I am having a bad day and people that care. I have become much more physically active. I can offer support to others that are going through a bad time and give them hope because if I was able to come back from how low I was then anyone can.”
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