Connect! Short Breaks


Our Kent wide Short Breaks offer, Connect!, is available for neurodivergent children and young people aged 9-18. We provide a wide range of fun and inclusive activities that give children and their families the opportunity to have a break and meet others with shared experiences.

Connect! offers fun, autism friendly activities for children and young people who struggle to access groups without support. Led by our friendly Youth Programme Coordinators, Connect! enables those who attend to try new things and make new friends in a safe, comfortable environment.

Find out what we’ve been up to!


Recent activities…

Connect supports autistic children with moderate needs as part of Kent County Council’s Short Breaks offer. Our activities are held in a variety of settings e.g. leisure facilities, community halls, sports and water sports venues, towns, countryside etc. All activities are robustly risk assessed with adequate staff ratio to ensure children can engage safely. As well as the Youth Programme Coordinator, volunteers and staff from venues may be present to support the group. We cannot provide children with one-to-one support. If you feel your child would benefit from Connect! but needs support to be able to engage fully and safely, please speak to the Youth Programme Coordinator before booking onto an activity. We want to ensure all children have access to fun activities that meets their needs, so will be happy to guide you through the options available to your child.

*Eligibility criteria applies.