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We hold 1-1 welcome sessions for young people who want to find out more information about The Prince’s Trust and our opportunities. Young people...
Wellbeing aims to improve the quality of life for patients in a supportive environment. A variety of activities are held throughout the week including...
Would you like the opportunity to offload, and talk to a member of our Wellbeing Team about whatever you’re going through? Would you benefit...
Are you looking for a safe space and time where you can access support for your wellbeing, and connect with your peers? Mid Kent...
For adults with an acquired brain injury, their family, friends and carers. This service offers a social opportunity to meet with others, gain support...
To enable survivors of stroke at working-age to live well after stroke(15-65) The Peer Support meet monthly to discuss topics linked to stroke rehab...
To enable survivors of stroke at working-age to live well after stroke(15-65). The Peer Support meet monthly to discuss topics linked to stroke rehab...
Our Affordable Counselling Service uses qualified volunteer counsellors and supervised trainees at an advanced stage of their training. Counselling is a process that requires...
Get the local support and services you need, with Kent Family Hub. You might be a parent, carer, child, or young person. With Kent...