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We provide training for Service Champions, Suicide Prevention and Veterans, Families and Carers. We also offer a signposting service to members of the Armed...
CVSNWK work in partnership with Adult Education to deliver the Response Training programme offering free training courses for the unemployed, low waged, low skilled...
We provide local, accessible training for parents and carers of children and young people with Down’s syndrome in Kent. We are passionate about ensuring that...
We provide transport from early morning to late at night, 365 days per year, to hospitals, doctors, dentist, nursing homes, day centres, school, opticians,...
Involve Volunteer Transport offers transport to those who are unable to use public transport or have use of their own car due to age,...
Tree of Hope is the crowdfunding charity that helps children and young people with a disability or illness by supporting their families to raise...
Trinity Community Larder NOW OPEN Offering affordable food to High Street Ward residents. Choose from the fresh, frozen and store cupboard options available. We ask...
TT Time is a 12-week programme based in Swale, meeting once per week, designed to support women and families during key stages of the...
We help adults who are struggling with drugs or alcohol. Our service can support you through your journey to recovery. We can also give...
Welcome to the u3a in Tunbridge Wells, which has members from ‘The Wells’ and surrounding villages. Our u3a is an exciting organisation which offers...