Found 550 results
The Association runs a telephone support service for husbands and families of the woman who are struggling with post natal illness. Our volunteers will...
Sevenoaks Counselling is a professional service offered to the whole community and we have provided a trusted, affordable counselling service to Sevenoaks and the...
At Barnardo’s we provide devices and internet access to the most in need and distribute creativity activity packs to families with children under 8...
Rainbow Call is a UK-wide, LGBT+ specific service for older people 75+ called rainbow call companion. The older LGBT+ community are notoriously vulnerable to...
The 24/7 Rape & Sexual Abuse Support Line is a free phone and online chat service for anyone aged 16+ in England and Wales...
If you live in Kent and are looking for some support for your mental and emotional wellbeing, Mental Health Resource provide a free service,...
If you are a teenager, aged 13-18, and want some support with your emotional or mental wellbeing, Mental Health Resource provides free, and confidential,...
Reboot is our programme of mental health support and training for school children, particularly for the transition from primary to secondary school, and parent...
The Kent & Medway Recovery & Wellbeing College (RC) provides health & wellbeing related educational courses, for Kent or Medway residents over 18yrs of...
By employing a co-ordinated approach – working in close collaboration with local authorities, clinical teams, community mental health groups together with the family and...