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SurvivorsUK runs the National Male Survivors Online Helpline – a webchat and SMS service for men, boys and non-binary people who have experienced sexual...
Find a Voice supports children, young people and adults with communication difficulties. The Outreach Resource Library has a range of communication aids, switch adapted...
OML course is designed for women aged 16 and over. It looks at the basics of an abusive relationship and some behaviours. The course...
Paddock Wood Community Advice Centre provides free, confidential and impartial advice on a wide range of issues, including welfare benefits, debt and money, employment,...
Our meetings are open to all parents and carers of children with special or additional needs, an autistic spectrum condition or any disability including...
The county support groups for the alienated parents, partners and extended family are safe spaces, in non-public venues, placing Safeguarding as priority. This alienated...
Parental Alienation Awareness offers a confidential and free helpline and legal service for parents in England and Wales. Our volunteers are here to listen,...
This is a support group for Parents or Carers who are supporting adults or children with learning disabilities – held every other month at...
The Parkinson’s UK helpline is a free and confidential service providing support to anyone affected by Parkinson’s. Emails answered within 5 working days. Text...
Parkinson’s Local Advisor provides advice, support and information about Parkinson’s. We also provide benefits and employment advice, Parkinson’s nurse referrals, assistance with social care...