Found 548 results
For 15 years we’ve been helping residents stay well and warm at home, and save money on their household bills. These are some of...
Get the local support and services you need, with Kent Family Hub. You might be a parent, carer, child, or young person. With Kent...
Meeting other men who have gone through similar experiences to you can be profoundly helpful. A group of survivors is a safe, confidential space...
Whether you’re asking for yourself, a member of your family, or your child, give us a call and speak to someone from Guide Dogs...
We can provide information and advice and help with filling forms for various health benefits available from the Government. Any person may be eligible...
Anyone with a Brown NHS book is able to obtain replacement hearing aid batteries from our centre from 9.00am – 4.00pm Monday to Friday.
Heart of Headcorn CIO at the Old Methodist Church on Headcorn High Street is a cultural and community hub offering an exciting and extensive...
The Merry Widows Group meets at 11am every Thursday and is open to anybody who has lost a close partner, either recently or years...
Our parent support team, are parent carers themselves or have experience of SEN. They can offer advice and guidance or be a listening ear...
Involve Kent work alongside Maidstone Borough Council and Hospitals in and around Maidstone to provide a Helping You Home Service to assist with works...