Found 550 results
We provide specialist floating support services, visiting support and tenancy sustainment services, to people with a range of different needs across the country. We...
The Church of the Good Shepherd operates a weekly food bank, offering support to local families and individuals who cannot afford the essentials of...
The St Gabriel’s Food Bank offers help to people living in Kings Hill (or are associated through school/work/activities), West Malling and Leybourne/Leybourne Chase area...
Nourish Community Foodbank operates throughout the Tunbridge Wells borough and provides emergency food and provisions to people in crisis on a referral only basis.
If you require support from our food bank, current sessions are Wednesday 11am-3pm only. A referral will be required. Unfortunately we are not able...
The foot care service is run by trained independent healthcare professionals. They can check your feet for any problems, such as pain or swelling,...
Join us every Monday at Cavell Park to enjoy food treatments in the comfort of our beautiful home. In connection with Age UK we...
If you are over 50 and in general good health, but are unable to manage looking after your feet, then we are here to...
Our six week beginners Digital Tech Course is FREE. The course is designed to support beginners with using the internet and staying safe online....
Each week the tutor focuses on improving communication skills by practising speaking, reading and writing English. The content of the classes is different every...