Found 74 results
We know the vital support that can come from a local friend who you can just catch up with for a coffee and be...
Paddock Wood Community Centre aims to provide groups, clubs and events for all ages. We offer so many different activities including wellbeing classes, mobility...
Bring your pre-school child to the library for a session of songs and rhymes. Fridays 2:15pm to 2:45pm
Join us for storytime and craft with your pre-school children. Fun for the young and their carers. Tuesday 2pm until 3:30pm
Baby Rhyme Time at the Edenbridge – The Eden Centre Library Nursery rhymes and action songs for the under 3s and their carers Tuesdays...
At Borough Green library. A free, fun and noisy way to develop a love of language and a foundation for learning. Each session lasts...
Nursery rhymes and action songs for the under 3s and their carers. Tuesdays from 10:30am to 11am.
A free, fun and noisy way to develop a love of language, a foundation for learning and meet new people. Each session lasts about...
Bring your pre-school child to the library for a session of songs and rhymes. Fridays (term time only) 10:30am to 11am
Join Communigrow Tots on Thursday morning, term time sessions for toddlers and preschoolers. Connecting with and learning about nature through play, stories, songs &...