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Our 6 and 12-week programs are typically funded and supported by local councils, organisations, or community projects. We facilitate mental health-focused sports training sessions...
If you need help with a drinking problem either phone our national helpline FREE on 0800 9177 650. Contact us by email: or...
We offer a range of classes to suit all abilities and engage people in a healthy lifestyle for those over 55yrs or under 55yrs...
Our Actively Involved service is specifically for people aged 55 and over, or under 55 living with a complex health condition. We partner with...
At Maidstone YMCA we offer a wide range of activities for all ages and abilities. For adults we have Boccia, Buggy Bootcamp, Walking Football,...
Paddock Wood Community Centre aims to provide groups, clubs and events for all ages. We offer so many different activities including wellbeing classes, mobility...
We are here for anyone* affected by someone else’s drinking. Our Helpline is manned by a team of friendly and helpful volunteers who are...
When a person is detained under the Mental Health Act it can be distressing. Sometimes patients who’re being detained feel unable to ask questions or...
Funded by The Home Office, Boloh Helpline has expanded to support the mental health and wellbeing of asylum seekers across the UK. Trained helpline...
On Wednesday mornings (10.30am- 12pm) we run badminton sessions for anyone wanting to play or get some gentle and fun exercise. Please contact us...