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Welcome to the u3a in Tunbridge Wells, which has members from ‘The Wells’ and surrounding villages. Our u3a is an exciting organisation which offers...
Join our free Wellbeing Walks as an enjoyable way to discover the beauty of your borough, meet new people and improve physical health and...
These Ramblers “Walking for Health” walks explore the beautiful countryside around Cranbrook and Benenden. Departure times on a Tuesday from Cranbrook are 9.30am or...
Universe Maidstone is a club which provides a social opportunity for 18 to 25 year olds (in Maidstone) to meet, access the community and...
This is a club which provides a social opportunity for 18 to 25 year olds (in Tonbridge, Paddock Wood and Tunbridge Wells) to meet,...
We’ve set up a virtual book group (via Zoom- held on the 1st Tuesday each month at 7pm) to boost companionship, friendship, and sanity...
The Kent Libraries Book Chat group gives people the opportunity to exchange ideas about books and reading. Members can share recommendations with other readers...
Join us for virtual Boxing for Parkinson’s on Thursdays from 12-1pm. As this is a virtual activity, there is no geographical criteria. If you...
A range of free training courses to help get you back into work, education or volunteering. Every Monday-Saturday from 9:30am – 5pm.
We are a group of amateur enthusiasts from Bearsted (and in and around Maidstone) who love singing! First session is free, termly £3 per...