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Athena has access to over 35 acres of land on which it grows its hay, cares for various animals, including a herd 14 horses,...
Hi Kent run social groups all over the county. These have been set up to help combat the social isolation and loneliness that clients...
Join us for a weekly coffee morning or occasional social event as advertised in our newsletter. We organise visits to various locations/events for people...
This is currently an online Zoom service for anyone who feels as though they are heading towards an emotional crisis. This service provides a...
To promote the well-being, relieve the stress and aid the recuperation of those who are experiencing the effects of cancer and its treatment, together...
Songsters is a fun and rewarding inclusive music, dementia and wellbeing singing group, for people living with a dementia, people in caregiving roles and...
A free wellbeing singing group. We specifically welcome people with dementia and their partners/carers. In partnership with Music4Wellbeing a Kent-based charity that specialises in...
Get the local support and services you need, with Kent Family Hub. You might be a parent, carer, child, or young person. With Kent...
Our Space 2 talk meetings are for parents and carers of children with additional needs or disabilities. This is an opportunity to connect with...
We meet monthly, generally on the third Thursday of the month at 2.30pm, for tea, cake and to share our interest in fiction.