Found 448 results
Our Primetimers Sports & Fitness Social offers a range of activities combining the fun and social aspects of sport with the use of our...
At Barnardo’s we provide devices and internet access to the most in need and distribute creativity activity packs to families with children under 8...
Our quiz suppers are a chance to exercise the brain cells in a fun and friendly environment while enjoying some delicious food! Come as a...
Royal Air Force Reminiscence Group – Did you serve in the RAF? Would you like to Reminisce about your RAF service in a friendly...
If you live in Kent and are looking for some support for your mental and emotional wellbeing, Mental Health Resource provide a free service,...
If you are a teenager, aged 13-18, and want some support with your emotional or mental wellbeing, Mental Health Resource provides free, and confidential,...
A social art club that prevents social isolation through art and creativity with a good helping of tea biscuits laughter and friendship. Every Tuesday...
Our Chaplains holds First Anniversary Remembrance Gatherings throughout the year to help family members and carers mark the one year anniversary of their bereavement....
Every Wednesday from 10am to 12 noon the hall space becomes a community space for a variety of hobbies and activities. These are run...
Repair cafe and community social. Every 3rd Tuesday of the month from 10am to 1pm.