AA Meetings
What we do
To search for a meeting you can use any of the search systems on the Find a Meeting page ( https://www.alcoholics-anonymous.org.uk/find-a-meeting/ ). Not all groups have provided post codes, if you can’t find a group near you using the post code search you might have more success using one of the other methods.
Note that in the town search areas of London are preceded by the word London, e.g. for Hackney type in LONDON HACKNEY.
Online meetings may be found by searching for the word: online
The meeting start time is always indicated and meetings are usually 90 minutes unless a finish time is stipulated. Some meetings may be ‘open’ (to non-alcoholic visitors) or ‘closed’ (for alcoholics & those who think they might have a drink problem) – some meetings give information on open and closed meetings.
Please do not use our national helpline number for meeting or general information – this is solely for those people who need to speak to a member of AA about their drinking.
To find a meeting please visit: https://www.alcoholics-anonymous.org.uk/AA-Meetings/Find-a-Meeting