Transport Service (Maidstone and Malling)


Registered address: Involve Kent, 30, Turkey Court, Maidstone, ME14 5PP

What we do

Involve Volunteer Transport offers transport to those who are unable to use public transport or have use of their own car due to age, frailty, disability or injury and are based in the Maidstone & Malling area.

We use volunteer drivers that use their own vehicles and charge 50 pence per mile which includes the driver’s personal mileage. We also charge a booking fee which ranges from £2.50 – £10, depending on type of journey.

We have 1 driver with a wheelchair accessible vehicle.

We can offer drivers who are happy to drive to London Hospitals and out of county appointments.

We require a minimum of 2 weeks’ notice due to the demand for this service.


Dependant on distance