Children’s Clinic


ESO Teaching Clinic, 104, Tonbridge Road, Maidstone, ME15 8SL

What we do

Infants and Babies:
Babies’ skeletons are softer than an adult’s and gentler techniques, such as cranial osteopathy, are used when treating babies. Such gentle manipulation can also help soothe and relax your baby. Techniques will be tailored to your child’s’ needs and everything will be fully explained throughout. We have a very good student to tutor ratio and your child will often be treated by a final year student and tutor together, enriching the treatment process.

Older Children:
Osteopathic techniques are suitable for children at all stages of development and we will assess your child to see what might help.
In older children, problems might arise though excessive computer use, hunching over a laptop, or through carrying heavy bags to and from school. Some children may suffer with minor sports injuries. We can help to reduce those injuries and aim to develop strategies with your child to help prevent them from recurring. Most children enjoy treatment and a growing awareness for their health educates them early to look after themselves.
Children’s clinic prices are: New Patient £23 and Continuing patient £17. Please see our website for more information


Set charge