Hospice Hub: Dementia Café
Magnolia Place, Heart of Kent Hospice, Preston Hall, Aylesford, Maidstone, Kent, ME20 7PU
What we do
If you are a patient, carer of family member coping with the challenges of dementia, here you can drop in and meet others in a similar situation, find out what support is available and ask advice from our Dementia Nurse Specialists. You don’t need to book or have contacted the Hospice Dementia Team, you can just come along. First Saturday of every month, 10:30am-12:30pm
Magnolia Place is a light, airy and cheerful space, where every week our Hospice colleagues and volunteers will offer a range of services, many of which operate on a flexible drop-in basis. Patients and carers can socialise, speak to members of our Drop-in Team, and attend optional supportive sessions.
Members of our Drop-in Team include:
- Our dedicated Hub Co-ordinator
- Community Palliative Care Specialist Nurse
- Dementia Specialist Nurse
- Healthcare Assistant
- Complementary Therapist
- Welfare Advisor
- Chaplaincy and Spiritual Carer
- Counsellor
- Social Worker
- Occupational Therapist and Physiotherapist
- Hospice volunteers