Chaplaincy and Spiritual Care


Hospice in the Weald, Maidstone Road, Pembury, Tunbridge Wells, TN2 4TA

What we do

Spiritual care comes in many forms. We try and appeal to the whole person offering creative expression through music and art as well as pleasure and relaxation through our various wellbeing therapies. Spiritual care is here for all our patients, families, carers, volunteers and staff. Whoever you are you are welcome. Our Chaplaincy volunteers work as part of the hospice multi-disciplinary team to offer spiritual and pastoral support throughout the Hospice community as requested. The team adheres to the national standards for Hospices and Palliative Care Chaplaincy. Any members of the team will be happy to meet with you to discuss anything of concern, and to support you in any way they can formally, or more informally, as you wish. Visits can also be arranged by a leader from a patients’ own faith community or religious tradition. Please contact us directly about accessing the Hospice.

