Carer Story: Accessing Carer Support
16 Jun 2023
We always work with Carers to identify what is important to them and support them to achieve this alongside other local services and organisations.
Read one carer’s story below about the support he has received:
“I was referred to Involve in 2020 at 94 years old because I was caring for my wife with advanced dementia, arthritis, diabetes and reduced mobility. We were both enduring broken sleep, and I was worrying a lot and becoming quite sad about the situation. I wanted some support to have a break from my caring role.
Caring for my wife became much more intense over the lockdown period because I wasn’t getting any breaks from it. I was feeling more upset watching my wife’s health decline and knowing there was nothing I could do to stop it.
I received some initial information from Involve and was then given support to help me take some breaks from caring. I received some funding through the Carer’s Assessment to cover the cost of having a care worker for my wife so I could go out each week. This allowed me to meet with my friends, and enjoy golf. I was also referred to Crossroads Care who provided me with one overnight sit each week.
Later, I at a review of my assessment, I told Involve that I was feeling much better and Involve continued to keep in touch with me regularly to check on how I was doing.
By the end of March 2021, I was feeling as though I wanted to start meeting with my friends again and play golf for my mental well-being and physical health. Involve supported me and explored how they could help, and we applied to the Royal Marines charity in May 2021 who generously granted some money to cover the cost of care workers so I could continue to get regular breaks to get back out in the community.
Involve have kept in touch with me and helped me to access further support when I need it. One day I was a little emotional during one of our calls as it is very difficult watching someone you love deteriorate, and afterward, I was referred to ADSS (Alzheimer’s Dementia Support Services) which provides activities and support, and I was also referred to another Involve service – Actively Involved, for activities too. Crossroads Care was still in place each week which was a great help.
Before Involve, life was getting a bit depressing; I was very tired and getting quite fed up, but the support from Involve Kent has helped to make life more tolerable. I am happy with the support I have received and value their ongoing contact.”
Get in Touch
If you have a question about what you have read, or would like support for yourself or someone else, please get in contact with us