Our Impact
We strive to work in an evidence-based way, putting people at the heart of services and ensuring we are meeting the needs of the communities we work with. Not only are we always learning about and testing new ways of working, but we are constantly looking to improve our evaluation tools to ensure we are reflecting the true impact of our work.
We have adapted a number of tools, including ONS4 and the UCLA loneliness scale, to highlight just how much our services change the lives of the people we work with. We are also building an evidence base through reports and situating our work in current literature, policy and practice.
people supported in the period April 2023 – March 2024
of people identified as an unpaid carer for a family member or friend
of people reported having a disability or long-term health condition
of people required Financial Inclusion Support from Involve Navigators
decrease in anxiety reported following support from Involve
increase in wellbeing reported after support from Involve

Our Impact Report
For the latest news about Involve, please take a look at our most current annual report.