Have you or someone you know accessed Wellbeing Services in the Community (Actively Involved) or Community Navigation Services through Involve? Have your say on KCC's proposed cuts and changes to these services. Click here to find out more.

Trinity Encore Movers


Trinity Theatre, Church Road, Tunbridge Well, TN1 1JP

What we do

Fun, low-pressure exercise sessions while seated on a chair.

A great way to get moving in a gentle way, encouraging good mobility, improved coordination and posture and confidence.

Every Wednesday from 10am to 11am at Trinity Theatre, Church Road, Tunbridge Wells, TN1 1JP

£5.00 per session – no need to pre-book.

For all activities, we occasionally have to move off-site. Please call in advance or email community@trinitytheatre.net to check we haven’t moved.

Visit our website for more information:  https://www.trinitytheatre.net/events/trinity-encore-movers



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