Kent Karrier Transport Service


Kent County Council, Transport Service, County Hall, Maidstone, ME14 1XQ

What we do

Kent Karrier is a dial-a-ride service. It will take you from your home to set locations, such as the nearest town centre or supermarket. In most areas it is primarily a shopping service, but in some areas (North West Kent and Maidstone) a taxi-style service is available on a shared or individual basis. All services are operated with wheelchair accessible vehicles and our experienced drivers will give you all the help you need. You must join the scheme to be able to use it. Carers or companions can also travel. You will be eligible to access this service if you have a medical condition that makes travelling on public transport difficult OR you live in a rural area more than 500 metres from a bus route or railway station or you are aged 85+.


Set charge
