Choices Helpline



What we do

Domestic abuse can affect anyone regardless of age, race, sexual orientation and, yes, gender. It doesn’t need to be physical. An abusive partner, ex-partner or family member may control what you do and who you see, or how your money’s spent. They may constantly shout at you or tell you you’re worthless, may intentionally humiliate you in public or at home. You’re not the only one who’s going through this, and you don’t have to suffer alone. We will listen to what you have to say. We will be supportive and non-judgemental. We will give you information about options available to you so that you can make an informed decision about your future. We can signpost you to other agencies who can help. We will reassure you that it is not your fault. Call our free Helpline 08009179948 between 09:00 and 16:30 Monday to Friday.


